Try Out These Free Stock Images Library From Unsplash and Pixabay
- February 3, 2022
- Design
The term ‘free stock images’ is unarguably one of the most popular search term on Google and for the right reasons. We always look out for free stuff on the internet, and when it comes to design, there is high demand for free stock images. Free stock images are perfect when it comes to creating social media content, photo editing and for photo collages. Sure, you can sometimes use some of your nicely shot photos as backgrounds, but most of the time, our photography skills are terrible. Using some of the ready free stock images curated by professional photographers will add a different dimension and layer to your design. Lucky for you, Collart has recently partnered with Unsplash and Pixabay, two of the most popular free stock images library on the internet, to bring you the largest collections of free stock images to Collart free photo editor and collage maker.
Stock Images Library – Completely FREE

Need help finding the best image for your social media content as a marketer? Looking for Instagram-worthy shots to create inspiring quotes for your page? Well, this is no longer a worry for you as a Collart app user! Our material library now comes with the free stock images integrated into the app, allowing you to access these images for your graphic design, social media content and collages! This is a free service, with no cost incurred. The free stock images are based on different categories, making it easy for you to choose based on your personal style or design ideas. With great tools at hand, you really do not need any design background or expertise to create stunning collages, photo edits and social media posts on Collart! A few clicks and it’ll work like a charm!
How to Access Free Stock Images Library

This free stock images library integrated from Unsplash and Pixaby is a free service for all, whether you are using Collart free version or paid subscription. To start accessing the free stock library, simply choose what and how you want to create on Collart editor app. When it comes to ‘Photos’, you will see the prompt to import from your Photo Album or from ‘Stock Photos’.
Once you’ve selected ‘Stock Photos’, it directs you to a Search Bar and various categories. Type to directly search for photos under the category and search term.

Things are very self-explanatory here – simply choose which suits the mood and style you’re going for, and you can start editing freely on Collart free collage maker and photo editor!
Browse through both Pixabay and Unsplash to find out what each platform offers. Scroll until you find something that will fit to your design perfectly. From minimalist looks, to highly stylized shots, we reckon you’ll have a hard time finding the best free stock images from the library for your collage!
Explore Best Features of Photo Editing and Collage Making
Collart comes with so many useful features, perfect for photo editing and collage making! We recommend that you explore all our functions so that you can get familiarise with the app. Collart is very user-friendly and intuitive, and it will not take long for you to master all the editing tools and functions of the app!
One of the best feature is Background Removal – allowing you to remove bg of images in just one tap, instantly! This is powered by AI, making it accurate and fast. Of course, to increase precision, you can always adjust the intensity of the background removal, or use the brush to add or erase background of the image edges, so that your images will have a smother and more precise edges that could have been removed in the process.
Another useful feature is the ability to choose the optimized Aspect Ratio, where you can select different sizes based on the platform you’re uploading to. For example, Facebook cover photo dimension is definitely different from an Instagram story. By choosing the correct aspect ratio, you can better optimize your content based on the limitations and constraints of designs, making your final product more visually stunning on respective platforms. From the standard Instagram square (1080 x 1080), Instagram stories, Facebook cover banners and more, you can select different aspect ratios to fit your content, by adjusting, repositioning and shifting your images and design element so that it fits perfectly into the photo.
Start Creating With Free Stock Images on Collart Now!
Beautiful free stock images can be yours to create with Collart free collage maker and photo editor app on your iPhone or iPad. Download now and experience the quick and easy graphic design now. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create with this new feature!

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